


Kennall Vale values music as a powerful and unique form of communication that can change and impact the way children feel, think and act. We want to expose children to music throughout their school life from sounds and meanings in early development, to securing a sense of community and creative thinking in later years. We wish for every child to have the opportunity to experience high quality music education and develop their musical potential. We seek to nurture and encourage music in collaboration with Penryn College, accessing specialist teachers and opportunities to enrich the curriculum through collaboration with the Penryn Partnership Schools.


We teach the National Curriculum throughout KS1 to KS2 with clear development of skills, and knowledge over time. This ensures that we all have an awareness of musical curriculum through a child’s school life, making sure the learning is well sequenced to maximise each child’s potential. During each year all students should have the opportunity to develop their understanding through the main strands of musical learning; singing, improvising, composing, performing, listening and responding. All children receive one hour of taught music curriculum a week. We enrich children’s music curriculum by accessing First Access instruments in order to broaden interest and offer new opportunities. To this further this aim, we invite Cornwall Music Services musical tutors in to teach a variety of instruments including: guitar, violin and drums. Singing practice takes place weekly as a whole school practice in assembly. Kennall Vale engages in creative art opportunities, for example Songfest production for children in KS2.


The impact of Kennall Vale music curriculum will be evident through:

  • Musical understanding demonstrated by, over time, developing levels of skills in Performing and Use of Voice; Exploring Sounds; Creating, Improvising and Composing; Listening and Responding and Symbols and Notation (upper KS2). 
  • Students will be creative and reflective, able to verbally explain, using musical language accurately.
  • Engagement in extra-curricular provision both inside and outside of school ranging of instrumental learning to musical ensembles and clear pathways into progression routes such as county ensembles and choirs.