Zennor Class is a mixed aged class with year four and five. Our teacher is Miss Fenton and our teaching assistants are Mrs Yendle and Mrs Crossley.
Mrs Yendle works on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs Crossley works in Zennor Class during the mornings. She teaches us French on Friday afternoons, too!
On Thursday, we are lucky to have Mrs Childs from Penryn College - she teaches us music.
Mr Chinn and Mr H work for Plymouth Argyle and deliver our PE lessons.
Miss Tucknott is our SCITT student for spring term.
In Zennor Class, we understand the importance of reading. We learn new vocabulary and spelling through our reading and become engrossed in new worlds, different cultures and learn about how our world works. Every morning we have a reading session. On Monday, we practice reading comprehension. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we explore a new text and answer VIPERS questions, in our books. On Friday, we have a lovely long session to listen to our class novel.
Zennor Class love to use Accelerated Reader! We love to work towards targets and earn reading certificates. To become a Word Millionaire is a real achievement – we can tell you all about it!
In Zennor Class, we try to read each day. To access online books, we have free use of Epic reading for 2 hours a week. Each week, we have ten spellings to learn – we can practice on SpellingShed but we like doing paper games, too. To support our arithmetic skills, we can practice Times Table Rockstars, at home. Children are welcome to use their EdShed accounts for Maths Shed, too.