
Curriculum Overview


At Kennall Vale, our intent is to inspire a love for learning through engaging subject specific units of learning. Our curriculum begins in EYFS, where the uniqueness of each child is valued. From Year 1, children are taught the National Curriculum;  skills and knowledge are well sequenced and taught progressively so that children build on prior learning and make good progress at each stage. We work collaboratively with families throughout their child’s time at Kennall Vale to ensure the curriculum is accessible to all. All children are taught how to learn effectively; be resilient  learners and have high aspirations no matter what their starting point in life.



Kennall Vale's curriculum is taught in subject specific lessons throughout the week. This allows teachers to deliver lessons that are rich in subject specific principles and allow children to identify and immerse themselves in the uniqueness of each subject. Children's learning of reading, writing and maths takes place in the mornings and during the afternoons, children complete a timetable of the foundation subjects throughout the week. Children are proud to record their work in the curriculum books, sketch books and whole class floor books. Children are encouraged to look back at their learning frequently so that they are supported in learning more and remembering more. Teachers understand that some children require adaptations to ensure they are able access the curriculum. The school SENDCo and subject leads supports teachers to ensure effective adaptations are in place. 



 School Leadership monitor the impact impact of the curriculum throughout the year. The Governing Body's Curriculum Committee meet termly to quality assure leadership of the curriculum through monitoring activities. The best way we can understand the impact of our curriculum is to talk to the children; monitoring will always include opportunities for pupil voice. It is our aim for children to confidently explain their learning, drawing upon learning from previous years and make connections across subjects where appropriate. Teachers assess children's learning daily, giving children appropriate feedback during lessons to correct misconceptions immediately. Formal assessments in Reading, Writing and Maths take place termly.